Complex Litigation

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When clients come to us for help in resolving disputes—soured business partnerships, misappropriations of assets, breached contracts, and more—we offer both a legal and business perspective to reach the best outcome. A dispute can place pressure on the day-to-day operations and long-range planning of a business. We help our clients understand the risks and navigate the waters.

After a dispute arises, the realities of running a business can conflict with aggressive interpretations of contract provisions or obscure and unexpected claims in litigation. Our attorneys are creative and flexible in fitting the square peg of a complex dispute into the round hole of a rigid legal system.

We thrive on addressing thorny issues of law, untangling complex transactions and business structures, and building clear, persuasive, and impactful legal strategies. We love to take cases to trial and to argue high-stakes motions in federal, state, and bankruptcy courts. We go toe-to-toe with big-name, top-dollar law firms and we prevail.

But a great attorney also makes a difference by knowing when and how to formulate a real-world, cost-effective strategy. Sometimes, that means avoiding or ending litigation on the most favorable terms possible rather than continuing it. Sometimes aggressive litigation is the best solution (or the only one). But our goal isn’t to prolong our work. Our goal is to resolve the conflict as quickly and favorably as possible so our clients can get back to focusing on their work.

How do I start?

Call us at (212) 337-5361. Submit an inquiry on our site. Or email us at We want to hear your story.

The following are certain highlights of our respective experiences as part of trial and litigation teams:

  • Won a three-week federal court counterfeit fraud trial, including an award of punitive damages, which was upheld by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals.  See Koch v. Greenberg, 14 F. Supp. 3d 247 (S.D.N.Y. 2014), aff’d, 626 F. App’x 335 (2d Cir. 2015).
  • Represented an international technology company sued in the United States without good cause or notice through an ex parte temporary restraining order, and successfully obtained denial of a motion to convert the TRO into a full preliminary injunction “based on the mandatory forum selection clause, resulting in voluntary dismissal.
  • Defeated jurisdictional challenge and various motions for injunctive relief on behalf of rightful beneficiaries in cross-border estate litigation involving parallel proceedings in France and the United States.
  • Served as trial consultant in a $130 million successful verdict for a medical malpractice case in Suffolk County, New York.
  • Achieved favorable business partner separations in disputes and dissolutions of various dysfunctional LLCs.
  • Secured a confidential settlement with a major health insurance company involving out-of-network coverage.
  • Won decision in the New York Court of Appeals (New York’s highest court), resolving a dispute among the appellate courts and setting the standard for third-party discovery.  See Kapon v. Koch, 23 N.Y.3d 32 (N.Y. 2014).
  • Represented individual entrepreneur against large financial institution in fraud action arising from business identity theft.
  • Represented two insurance companies at the New York Court of Appeals in a successful appeal challenging the reinsurance allocation of a billion-dollar asbestos settlement; coordinated briefing and amicus strategy with multiple law firms.
  • Defended the former president of a prominent New York City art gallery against multiple fraud and RICO claims stemming from the sale of forged paintings attributed to Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, Willem de Kooning, and other abstract expressionist artists.
  • Represented electronics retailers in multidistrict litigation alleging price-fixing conspiracies by manufacturers of LCD and CRT televisions.
  • Representing limited partners in a contract claim for breach of a limited partnership agreement in the Delaware Court of Chancery.
  • Representing spendthrift trust in complex multi-jurisdictional dispute seeking recovery of misappropriated trust assets.

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