False Advertising, Unfair Competition, and the Lanham Act

We understand the profound impact that false advertising can have on a company's reputation and bottom line. And we know how tricky and important it is to carefully navigate the complex landscape of Lanham Act regulations.

False Advertising: Our experienced attorneys are well-versed in the laws, regulations, and business practicalities surrounding false advertising – and what you can do to both protect your brand and recover when competitors or others make trouble. We help businesses address situations where deceptive or misleading claims are made about their products or services. And we know how to help protect your reputation and sustain (or rebuild) consumer trust.

Our team knows how to work with marketing, investigative, and IT professionals to support your business objectives. And we know how to conduct research and gather evidence to support legal claims against those engaging in false advertising practices. Whether your challenges involve misrepresentation, false affiliations, or deceptive trade practices, we know how to hold people, companies, and shady entities accountable.  We don’t like bad guys who undermine fair competition or infringe on consumer rights.

Lanham Act Compliance: The Lanham Act is a federal law that safeguards businesses against unfair competition, trademark infringement, and false advertising. Our law firm guides businesses through the complexities of Lanham Act compliance. We assess your current marketing practices to ensure they align with the Act's requirements, and provide you with comprehensive audits to identify any potential violations. We offer strategic advice and assistance in developing compliant advertising and marketing strategies. In case of Lanham Act violations, we provide strong legal representation, advocate for your business's interests, and seek the most favorable outcomes in any legal proceedings.

By combining our expertise in false advertising and Lanham Act compliance, we are able to support businesses navigating the realm of online reviews, deceptive marketing practices, and unfair competition. We assist our clients in understanding the FTC's proposed actions against fake or solicited online reviews, can assist you in complying with regulatory requirements, and help protect your brand's reputation. From compliance assessments and policy development to legal representation and competitive intelligence, we provide tailored solutions to safeguard your business's interests and help you maintain your relationship with your customers.