Health Insurer Delayed Her MRI. Meanwhile, the Cancer That Would Kill her was Growing

June 8, 2022

In “Health Insurer Delayed Her MRI. Meanwhile, the Cancer That Would Kill her was Growing” (USA Today, June 8, 2022), partner Steve Cohen discusses an important case now before the Second Circuit Court of Appeals related to whether insurance companies should be held accountable when they deny critical medical care. According to Steve, “As insurance companies become increasingly aggressive in their use of prior authorization—whether to boost the bottom line or to control improper spending—they need to be held to the same standards of good-and-appropriate medical practice as doctors. It shouldn’t require a triple amputation to spur our political representatives to take responsibility for their oversight.” Cohen represents the family of Kathleen Valentini in this matter.

To read the full article, click on the link below.


Health Insurer Delayed Her MRI. Meanwhile, the Cancer That Would Kill her was Growing | USA Today