School Bus Delays

Many students living with disabilities experience school bus delays and no-shows, leaving them left at home or waiting at the bus stop and missing valuable instruction time. Data from the New York City Education Department revealed over 1,000 bus delays in the first week of the 2022 school year. 

We are investigating a potential legal action on behalf of students living with disabilities who have been affected by school bus delays and no-shows in New York State

Has your child missed school time as a result of school bus delays or no-shows? We are interested in hearing from parents or caregivers who have been affected by New York school bus delays and no-shows. We are also interested in hearing from anyone else who may have information on school bus delays. Call or email us for a free, confidential consultation.

There is no cost and no obligation; you will never be charged anything if you choose to participate. Contact Pollock Cohen LLP today.

Call (646) 290-9068

, email, or fill out the form on this webpage.


A class action lawsuit is a way for a group of people who have suffered similar harms to bring a single collective case and share in any potential award. You become part of a group, with far more potential power than filing a lawsuit on your own—and at no cost to you.

Filing a class action lawsuit allows us to consolidate evidence, witnesses, and litigation expenses to make the lawsuit more efficient and effective. The collective “clout” of the class is typically far more effective than an action by any individual plaintiff.

No! The attorneys work on contingency, and only get paid if the case is successful. Any fees they may be awarded are determined by the court and paid by the defendant.

You may qualify if...

  • Your child has a disability and has experienced school bus delays or no-shows in recent years.
  • Your child has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and has experienced school bus delays or no-shows in recent years. 
  • You live in New York State.

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