Healthcare Fraud

Sadly, healthcare fraud—whether committed by unscrupulous doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, nursing homes, or pharmaceutical companies—is all too common. Every year, federal and state governments recover billions of dollars—with the help of whistleblowers who have seen something and said something. Typically motivated by their outrage at people scamming the system—and often taking advantage of elderly or sick people who have no idea they are being manipulated—whistleblowers often share in the financial recoveries of the government.

Pollock Cohen is actively involved in dozens of investigations and civil prosecutions, working side-by-side with government agencies pursuing these scammers. Our “whistleblower” clients include doctors, nurses, medical billing specialists, pharmacists, patients, and corporate middle-managers.

If you think you know something about healthcare fraud, talk to us. In confidence. There is no cost, no obligation, and everything you share is confidential.

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